Lebone Litho Printers (Pty) Ltd Installs Fujifilm’s 42K Printbar Systems for Demanding Variable-Data and Security Print Applications

Georgina Icart

Company said their production time was cut in half  with Fujifilm’s single-pass integrated inkjet systems, attracting the attention  of customers seeking shorter lead times for print.

Lebanon, N.H., May 29, 2024FUJIFILM  Integrated Inkjet Solutions, a leading developer of integrated inkjet products, worked closely with Lebone Litho  Printers (Pty) Ltd, a South African print service provider with more than 500 employees across three locations in Johannesburg, to install three FUJIFILM  42K Printbar Systems, which add inkjet printing capability inline. Lebone Litho Printers supports a wide array of customers in industries spanning food and beverage, cosmetics and beauty, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, and the government sector. Since the print service provider installed Fujifilm’s 42K Printbar Systems, the company’s variable-data printing lead time has been cut in half. 

The FUJIFILM 42K Printbar System played a key role in Lebone Litho Printers’ printing of election ballots for the Democratic Republic of Congo. With its new FUJIFILM 42K Printbar Systems, Lebone Litho Printers was able to print 64,000 pads in two weeks, which previously required four weeks. Lebone Litho’s participation in this project, which has been openly visible to the public, resulted in increased visibility and advertising that has compounded sales opportunities for the large printing provider.

“The success Lebone Litho has experienced here is rooted in the productivity of the Fujifilm 42K Printbar System,” said Keith Michael, Chief Executive Officer of Lebone Litho Printers. “With the easy-to-use, high-tech printing solution, we’re able to deliver high-quality printing services in a speedy manner as well as take on additional printing jobs for a wide range of compelling clients, including printing exams for local schools and printing the licenses and registration documents for vehicles in Tanzania.”

“The story of success from Lebone Litho Printers highlights the versatility and value of the 42K Printbar system, and the trust they place in Fujifilm’s integration team,” said Greg Balch, vice president and general manager of the FUJIFILM Integrated Inkjet Solutions group. “What we've heard from them is similar to what other clients have told us and is what we’ve come to expect.”

The FUJIFILM 42K Printbar System is being demonstrated at drupa 2024, taking place May 28th to June 7th in Dusseldorf, Germany at Fujifilm booth Hall 8b / A02.

To see the article and video describing Lebone Litho Printers’ success with the FUJIFILM 42K Printbar System, visit  here. To learn more about the 42K Printbar System, visit the product  page.

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